Rejuvenating Earth through Awareness Conservation and Transformation

It is true that Necessity is the mother of Invention but we failed to make sure that all our inventions should be Eco-friendly. As Newton’s third law says Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, similarly every invention has its impact on the environment. Though human intelligence paved the way to make lives easier with new inventions, the environmental impacts of those inventions were unforeseen. Now despite knowing that these impacts are leading us to the dead-end, we still get carried away by the day to day needs and lifestyle.

Years of practices have blindfolded our ability to think about the alternatives which solve the same purpose. We think this is because of the lack of Awareness, Conservation and Transformation. We, a group of like-minded reactors realized unity matters. Only a common platform could unite us together to work towards the noble cause. On account of this, REACT NGO was established on the World Environment Day. Since actions speak louder, it’s time for us to REACT


To create awareness about Environmental Conservation, importance of Education & Schooling, Plastic usage reduction, sustainable living, importance of organic farming, health & hygiene, basic human right & legal education

To conserve the environment by planting more trees, following 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), keeping the land/water bodies clean, using alternative sources of energy, using eco-friendly products, following eco-tourism and living a sustainable lifestyle

To promote interest and all-round welfare of socially, educationally, economically downtrodden and differently abled people by providing both formal and informal education, basic amenities like food (annadhaanam) , water, shelter, medicine, etc, life skills to navigate daily life, required technical education and skill development training for making them self-reliant and self-supportive through various means and rehabilitation to required people.


Our NGO’s vision is to revive and conserve the environment by leading a balanced and sustainable life beyond Religion, Race, Caste, Language, Gender and Species to be in harmony with mother nature.

core values


Sowing in the right ideas into the people’s mind is the key for any change to happen


If you take care of small things, big things will take care of themselves. So, Conserve before we deplete the reserve


Change is inevitable but transformation is by conscious choice. Do it now or today will be yesterday tomorrow

Support Our Cause

Donate to our cause and our volunteers will have enough supplies to save earth and people who are in need

Rejuvenating Earth through Awareness Conservation and Transformation

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